Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its music . Bodies never lie."

So I was on my way to rehearsal this morning and thinking about how much I miss the days of living in my old studio. It was home to me. The video is from my studio from this past year and the girls I use to dance with. It was a piece about one of my jazz teachers. They are amazing.

And so tonight I took class for the first time in well, way way too long. I was late but am so glad I had the oppertunity to come take. Thank God for the power and abilitiy of dance and its art. I don't know if it is just me but there is something about taking class that you are in a different world, you just let out everything you have to give. You can let out whatever frustration you are dealing with life or just simply feel the joy of dance. Such an amazing feeling. Anyways needless to say it was wonderful to get the oppertunity to take class tonight, I miss it.

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful." ~Agnes De Mille

1 comment:

  1. Good morning - I just had to stop by and leave you a note because you have the most wonderfully fabulous blog. I've loved reading your interesting posts, all very creative and great pictures too. What could be more perfect ? Thanks for sharing them all and best wishes...
