Thursday, September 10, 2009


So it has been quite a while since I have blogged about anything going on in my life and I don't know if anyone actually will read this but I have come to learn something new about myself today. I always thought when I took class that one reason for doing so was that I could take my mind away from the world, yet when you take a contemporary, lyrical, etc. class it usually involves a story about life in the combination which is wonderful but also intern makes my mind focus on again on the struggles of life.

In relating to my life in the past week--My body seems to be doing any distraction possible to take my mind off of things. This Saturday I am teaching a tap class, kind of excited but nervous. I thought I had it all planned out--steps warm up improve combo. the end. but again trying to distract myself with anything I had already prepared a nice calm combination to a jazz song, but I decided to change it. I sat and listened to music for about an hour and a half and found Maroon 5--Can't Stop. So I watched old videos from break the floor in NYC from when I was younger for inspiration and an hour later listening to the music on repeat, I had a new combination, Harder, faster, and has a peel off-fun. But, a few hours later as I sit here I realize that when I put my shoes on and taped in the little corner of my bathroom for those few hours--, everything in recent life escaped my memory for the little time being until I took my shoes back off.

Such an interesting concept how the mind finds a way to express itself through movment--I may not be able to talk out of what I feel but my body can. And if not, then it finds away to escape me for just a little while--and I guess when I put my shoes on, life escapes me. Anywho it's interesting to learn new things about yourself everyday.

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